Bibliography and sources of inspiration

Wrongly embracing absurdities in the name of unknowns, and the indubitable nature of semantics

Everything (Part 1: All that exists)

Everything (Part 2: The nature of Existence)

Why it is impossible for God’s attributes to be contradictory

The true cogito (Part 1: Existence)

The solution to Russell’s paradox and the absurdity of more than one Infinity

Good and evil (Part 1: Freewill and freedom)

Good and evil (Part 2: The immortality test)

Membership in Existence (Part 1: What if it was you?)

Membership in Existence (Part 2: Deserved by definition)

Supplementary on membership (Good and —- in Existence)

Supplementary/notes (Hierarchy, want/intend, and selection in scripture)

Scripture analysis: Adam

Scripture analysis: The three groupings (Quran)


Reflections and other (1)

Reflections and other (2)

Reflections and other (3)

Reflections and other (4)

Reflections and other (Life and Existence: Part 1)

Reflections and other (Life and Existence: Part 2)

Thoughts (1)

Thoughts (2)

Thoughts (3)

Thoughts (4)

Thoughts (5)

Thoughts (6)

Thoughts (7)

Thoughts (8)

Thoughts (9)

Thoughts (10)

Reflections on the Perfect/Complete/Infinite


Seen and unseen self


Action and reaction




The face of God




The true cogito (Part 2: Realness)

The true cogito (Part 3: Existence and non-Existence)